What's New at Caffrey Knives

-**Welcome to my updated Website!:   It's taken months, but here it is!  The site has been redesigned, with simpler color scheme, and easier to follow links.  I've added a couple of new pages besides this one...  Those being a "Sharpening & Repair" page, and a page on "Laser Engraving"
  (I purchased a laser engraver not long ago, with not only the intent of using it to mark my own knives, but to also offer marking/Laser Engraving to others.)

-**Update on my Health Status:  My lack of activity on the internet, and my lack of knives for sale are a reflection of what's been happening with my health.  I've revisited my VA disability rating, and was found 100% disabled, due to my exposure to burn pits while deployed to the Middle East.   As a result, I've been diagnosed with lupus, which spawned Lung and Kidney Disease.  All of this means I have slowed down a lot.

-**In May of 2024, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. And after what felt like an eternity, had surgery (Radical Prostectomy) in Mid August.  SUCCESS!!  My Urologist/Surgeon made the statement that from a surgical standpoint, I am cancer free!!!   Praise God for answering prayer!

-**There are several new Available Knives, ready for their new homes!

-**New EBKs are now available!   This is the small EDC that started the movement!   Everyone laughed at the EBKs ("Ed's Belt Knife")when I first came up with the idea.... and now every serious Bladesmith/Knifemaker offers a similar knife.   There are a couple of unique EBKs in this batch.... a couple of hollow ground blades (see each knife's description for details),  and ONE with solid green G10 scales.   As always, these will be sold on a First Come, First Served basis.   Just follow the instructions on the EBK Webpage

-**Damascus Ink Pens!   During the time I was dealing with Prostate Cancer, I was forced to "take it easy" in the shop, and since my body wouldn't let me do much more, I made Damascus Pens..... a lot of them!

Keep and eye on this page for any changes, and/or the latest news from CaffreyKnives!

"I Would Rather Explain Price...Than Apologize for Quality".    

Please email me with any questions.

"Nobody Cares What you Know...
Until They Know You Care!"
Copyright 2024/25..."The Montana Bladesmith"