-**Welcome to my updated Website!: It's taken months, but here it is! The site has been redesigned, with simpler color scheme, and easier to follow links. I've added a couple of new pages besides this one... Those being a "Sharpening & Repair" page, and a page on "Laser Engraving" (I purchased a laser engraver not long ago, with not only the intent of using it to mark my own knives, but to also offer marking/Laser Engraving to others.)
-**Update on my Health Status: My lack of activity on the internet, and my lack of knives for sale are a reflection of what's been happening with my health. I've revisited my VA disability rating, and was found 100% disabled, due to my exposure to burn pits while deployed to the Middle East. As a result, I've been diagnosed with lupus, which spawned Lung and Kidney Disease. All of this means I have slowed down a lot.
-**In May of 2024, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. And after what felt like an eternity, had surgery (Radical Prostectomy) in Mid August. SUCCESS!! My Urologist/Surgeon made the statement that from a surgical standpoint, I am cancer free!!! Praise God for answering prayer!
-**There are several new Available Knives, ready for their new homes! -**New EBKs are now available! This is the small EDC that started the movement! Everyone laughed at the EBKs ("Ed's Belt Knife")when I first came up with the idea.... and now every serious Bladesmith/Knifemaker offers a similar knife. There are a couple of unique EBKs in this batch.... a couple of hollow ground blades (see each knife's description for details), and ONE with solid green G10 scales. As always, these will be sold on a First Come, First Served basis. Just follow the instructions on the EBK Webpage
-**Damascus Ink Pens! During the time I was dealing with Prostate Cancer, I was forced to "take it easy" in the shop, and since my body wouldn't let me do much more, I made Damascus Pens..... a lot of them!
Keep and eye on this page for any changes, and/or the latest news from CaffreyKnives!
"I Would Rather Explain Price...Than Apologize for Quality". Please email me with any questions.
"Nobody Cares What you Know... Until They Know You Care!"