A vision to bring 35+ years of Bladesmitng/Knifemaking knowledge to everyone!  Everything from "How Tos" to "5 Minutes with the MasterSmith!   visit our KnifeMakerTraining Facebook page/group

What previous Students have to say about my Classes...
All Bladesmithing/Knifemaking classes are taught in my shop, in Great Falls, Montana, USA.  Various classes are available from beginner level, to advanced, including Damascus, Mosaic Damascus, and Folder classes.  These classes vary with the skill level and experience of each student.    Below you will find listings for different class options along with an explanation of each.  All classes are taught "one-on-one" and only by special request/circumstances will I agree to have more than one student at a time in the shop. IF I do agree to host more then one individual at a time, the class fees are PER INDIVIDUAL.  
Please ensure you read the "NOTES" and "CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS" near the bottom of this page.  Prices will be those that are published at the time an individual books a class. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OVER TO ATTEND MY CLASSES.  There are possible exceptions to this rule, but those will be on a case by case basis.  If you are under 18, and wish to attend a class, contact me for details/requirements.

Basic Bladesmithing
  This class in my most popular, and will consist of  FIVE days  of "hands on" instruction, and is intended for those who have had little or no experience in Bladesmithing.  This class will take you from a bar of steel, through a forged blank, to a finished knife. 
If your goal is to leave with a completed knife, and the knowledge to make your own knives from start to finish, this is the class you want!

Students will be responsible for their own transportation, safety equip., lodging arrangements, and meals.  In addition, each student will be required to sign a waiver of liability PRIOR to starting classes.  Once dates are schedule for your class, I will send you a list of required safety gear that you must obtain and bring to the class.  Class hours typically run from 8am to 4pm.
Tuition for the Basic Bladesmithing is $2,475 per individual. A 50% deposit may be required 30 days prior to the class start date, at my discrection.
(Please read the "NOTES" and "CANCELLATION/REFUND policy near the bottom of this page.)
Basic or Mosaic Damascus
This 3 day class will focus on Damascus (Basic or Mosaic).  It will include all the necessary areas to help those who have basic forging experience step into the wonderful world of Basic OR Mosaic .  The class will be three days of hands on forging/learning, with the option of additional days at the students discretion (and the availability of my schedule).  Due to the large amount of materials this class consumes, the fee will include an additional  materials fee, which is reflected in the overall class fee. (A one time $400 material fee is included in the class fee) Students must have either taken the Basic Bladesmithing class, or provide me with examples of Damascus Steel they have produced. 
Students will be responsible for their own transportation, safety equip., lodging arrangements, and meals.  In addition, each student will be required to sign a waiver of liability PRIOR to starting classes.  Once dates are schedule for your class, I will send you a list of required safety gear that you must obtain and bring to the class.  The Tuition for this class is $1885.00 PER INDIVIDUAL.

A 50% deposit may be required, 30 days prior to the class start date at my discretion.
Liner Lock and Framelock Classes
     This class will consist of 5 days of "hands on" instruction, and is intended to give the student a understanding of the design, function, and construction of the liner lock and/or Frame Lock folder.  Forging experience is not required, however some knifemaking knowledge is necessary.  Contact me for additional details.

Students will be responsible for their own transportation, safety equip., lodging arrangements, and meals.  In addition, each student will be required to sign a waiver of liability PRIOR to starting classes.  Once dates are schedule for your class, I will send you a list of required safety gear that you must obtain and bring to the class.
Tuition for the Folder course is $2,425.00 per individual, a 50% deposit may be required 30 days prior to the class start date, at my discretion.
(Please read the "NOTES" and "CANCELLATION/REFUND policy near the bottom of this page.)

Other Options & Classes
Many times an individual would like to increase their knowledge and/or skill in either one, or a few specific areas of knifemaking. (general blade forging, heat treating, finishing, handles and guards, specialized types of Damascus, Or just to have questions answered)  With this in mind I can tailor classes to your specific needs.  Call or email me about the areas you are interested in, and I can develop a Class to suit your needs.
If your intent is to come for class days to produce ANY TYPE of Damascus, a $400 material fee will be added to the class fee.
Students will be responsible for their own transportation, safety equip., lodging arrangements, and meals.  In addition, each student will be required to sign a waiver of liability PRIOR to starting classes.  Once dates are schedule for your class, I will send you a list of required safety gear that you must obtain and bring to the class.
Tuition for "Other Options" Classes will be $500.00 PER DAY,  PER INDIVIDUAL. A 50% deposit may be required, 30 days prior to the class start date, at my discrection.

Class Requirements and Need to Know
Students will be responsible for their own transportation, safety equip.(leather apron, Safety glasses, Welding gloves, RESPIRATOR (half face cartridge type or better), and leather shoes/work boots), (NO JOGGING/RUNNING SHOES) lodging and meals. In addition, each student will be required to sign a waiver of liability PRIOR to starting classes. WORK/CLASS DAY (8am-4pm local time)   A 50% deposit may be required 30 days prior to the class start date, at my discrection. Any additional days requested will be "pay as you go" at the rate of $500 per day. (Please read the "NOTES" and "CANCELLATION/REFUND policy below.)

Notes:  Please Read All

**If you are interested in taking one of these classes, please let me know as soon as possible.  With shows, students, and seminars, my schedule fills quickly.   Once you schedule a class, I will email you a file with local hotels, rental car info, a local map, and other useful information for planning your trip.
**All classes are conducted One-on-One** unless special arrangements are made with me IN ADVANCE. If a special exception is made (allowing more than one individual into a class), the class fee will be as described PER INDIVIDUAL.

Additional days may be added to any classes at the students discretion and  depending on my schedule. Additional days will be charged at the rate of $500.00 per day, payable BEFORE any additional days start.
Bladesmithing requires a degree of exertion.  I am sorry, but the dangers for those who have mobility issues will make these courses difficult or impossible to complete.  Failure to realize that you are not physically capable, will not be grounds for refunds of deposits being granted.  I reserve the right to deny classes to anyone who I  consider not physically or mentally capable of completing the given course(s) in a safe and healthy manner.

A Special Note: Respirator:
I feel it necessary to make a special note about bringing a cartridge filter type respirator with you.  While working in the shop, you will be exposed to a number of different airborne dusts which are not good for your lungs.  I cannot force you to wear a respirator, but there are operations that I will not teach, nor allow you to perform if you do not bring/use a respirator. (ie: grinding)

Bring along a Camera and Notebook!  
During our time together I will be pushing A LOT of information on you.  Taking notes and photos is a good way to help you remember later
** I will always do my best to accommodate your wishes for class dates.  However, please keep in mind that I have various commitments on my schedule throughout the year.
I do not teach classes on Sundays. That day is set aside for Church and Family.

Cancellations and/or Refund Policy
If you cancel, whether I return the deposit or return it in part is at MY DISCRETION. Contact me as soon as possible if this situation occurs. Usually we can just adjust the dates for your class, and all is well.   Should something on my end occur, in the form of an emergency, then I would of course refund the entire deposit. This is my business, and I have set aside everything else in order to give you my full attention for the class duration. By scheduling a class and sending a deposit you are entering into a contract and agreeing to ALL the terms listed on this page.  PAYMENT NOTE: Credit Card or Paypal Payments will incur a 4.5% fee on the total.

The below calendar is provided to assist you in scheduling dates for classes.  Dates with "busy" ,"dates filled", or any dates that contain text ARE NOT AVAILABLE. (Choose dates that are empty).    Use the controls to flip forward or backward through the months. Once you choose dates, please email them to me for verification, and I will add the dates to the calendar.  YOU CANNOT SCHEDULE A CLASS HERE! ONLY I HAVE ACCESS TO CHANGE ANYTHING ON THIS CALENDAR.  Email Me with your proposed class dates, and if available, I will fill them in. 
I Do Not Teach on Sundays
NOTE:  This calendar has issues with filled dates being visible on some mobile devices.  Ad blockers and Privacy filters may also cause you to NOT be able to see filled dates. For best results view on a computer, or email about class dates if they are not visible to you.

"Nobody Cares What you Know...
Until They Know You Care!"
** Prices Subject to Change without Notice**

**Down Payment Requirement may be waived at my discretion. 

** I Reserve the Right to Deny Services, Products, or Classes to anyone, for any reason, at My Discretion.
Copyright 2024/25 "The Montana Bladesmith"